
Top 5 Chankya Niti Quotes

Top 5 Quotes by One of India's Greatest economists and  a Political pundit - Chanakya Chanakya Neeti  is a book based on Chanakya, an Indian theorist, teacher, philosopher, economist and a noble mentor to the Mauryan emperors between 350 -275 BC.      Image source

Top 10 Chankya Quotes for the Youth

Must Read collection of famous quotes for the youth   by the great Indian Political Pundit and economist Chanakya ! Quotes by Chanakya Dharma is at root of Happiness Sukha Mula Dharma By happiness , Chanakya Means to happiness of the people and by dharma is meant the dutifulness of the rulers. As long as the the ruler or the administrator is conscious of his duties towards the people , they will be happy and contended. Wealth is at root of Dharma ( Dutifulness) Dharmasya Mulartha  In order to govern the state well and to keep his people happy and contented , wealth is essential welfare of the people is not possible without money. Prosperity or wealth depends on ( Good governance ) of the state Arthasya Mula Rajyam  In order to promote prosperity of the people and stability of the state. It is essential that the state is run efficiently. Victory over the senses ( self control ) is the root of ( stability of ) state. Rajyamoolm...

12 Best Chanakya Quotes for the politicans on How to Run the government

Chanakya Quotes The subjects being prosperous , leaderless kingdom can be governed. In the absence of the king , the people because of their prosperity , make alternate arrangements and the state continues to run. On the other hand , poor and indigent people will fight with each other and there will be anarchy all around. People's Fury is above all the furies The foremost duty of the ruler is to keep his people , happy and contented. The people are his biggest asset as well as the source of peril. If they are Unhappy and dissatisfied , they will revolt against him and overthrow him. To be without a king is better than having an arrogant king. The people expect soscour and sympathy from the ruler.But then , instead , they see the insolence and ostentation life style of the ruler who displays unconcer for their welfare they become unhappy. The people would manage the affairs of the state much better if such a ruler were not there. After equipping o...

Best Chanakya Quotes in Hindi

Famous Chanakya Quotes in Hindi कोई काम शुरू करने से पहले, स्वयम से तीन प्रश्न कीजिये – मैं ये क्यों कर रहा हूँ, इसके परिणाम क्या हो सकते हैं और क्या मैं सफल होऊंगा. और जब गहरई से सोचने पर इन प्रश्नों के संतोषजनक उत्तर मिल जायें,तभी आगे बढें संसार एक कड़वा वृक्ष है, इसके दो फल ही अमृत जैसे मीठे होते हैं – एक मधुर वाणी और दूसरी सज्जनों की संगति। व्यक्ति अकेले पैदा होता है और अकेले मर जाता है;और वो अपने अच्छे और बुरे कर्मों का फल खुद ही भुगतता है; और वह अकेले ही नर्क या स्वर्ग जाता है. एक बार काम शुरू कर लें तो असफलता का डर नहीं रखें और न ही काम को छोड़ें। निष्ठा से काम करने वाले ही सबसे सुखी हैं। कुबेर भी अगर आय से ज्यादा व्यय करे, तो कंगाल हो जाता है | संसार में न कोई तुम्हारा मित्र है न शत्रु | तुम्हारा अपना विचार ही, इसके लिए उत्तरदायी है | भगवान मूर्तियों में नहीं है.आपकी अनुभूति आपका इश्वर है.आत्मा आपका मंदिर है. अगर सांप जेह्रीला ना भी हो तो उसे खुद को जहरीला दिखाना चाहिए. इस बात को व्यक्त मत होने दीजिये कि आपने क्या करने के लिए सोचा है, बुद्धिमानी से इसे रहस्य ब...

Complete Chanakya Niti Shastra

Chanakya , also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta , was born in Pataliputra, Magadha (modern Bihar, India), and later moved to Taxila, in Gandhara province (now in Pakistan). He was a professor (acharya) of political science at the Takshashila University and later the Prime Minister of the Emperor Chandragupta Maurya. He is regarded as one of the earliest known political thinkers, economists and king-makers. He was the man to envision the first Indian empire by unification of the then numerous kingdoms in the Indian sub-continent and provide the impetus for fights against the Greek conqueror Alexander. Chanakya is perhaps less well known outside India compared to other social and political philosophers of the world like Confucius and Machiavelli. His foresight and wide knowledge coupled with politics of expediency helped found the mighty Mauryan Empire in India. He compiled his political ideas into the Arthashastra, one of the world's earliest treatises on political thought and ...