Chanakya quotes on Fundamental Duties of a Politician or Ruler

Getting what has not been got, guarding it, developing it and then distributing it, these four constitute state policy.

There are four fundamental duties of a ruler to get the benefits which are unavailable. These four duties are to obtain what he does not have, to preserve, and protect what he has obtained, to increase the amount of wealth he has and to invest it for the benefit of his people.

politics is a tool of state policy.

The practice of political principles is in accordance with a administrative policy. The proper administration in the society or in the kingdom is the duty of the ruler or the administrator. For this he should be adopt in civil and military administration. The financial policy should also be for the welfare of the people. If the law-order situation is pitiable, the ruler fails in his duty.

Internal administration and foreign relations are dependent on state policy.

The management of the state is two fold. The first one is policy of internal administration by which the internal projects and problems are being handled. The second one is foreign policy by which the relations with the other nations are being maintained. Without a good foreign policy administration cannot flourish. A strong foreign policy ensures a strong nation.

Internal administration relates to one’s own country

Tantra (i.e. internal administration) is related with the national policy. This manages to establish law in the country and also works for the internal welfare of the state. If the administrator performs his duty perfectly the state remains organize and becomes prosperous other wise state goes to doom.

Foreign policy is deployment of (four fold) policy towards (neighboring ) states.

Avapa is the foreign policy which is mainly concerned with the neighboring states. Foreign policy includes donstant vigil on the enemy-country and also developing friendly relations and business with the other countries. If the neighboring state help the enemy they should be immediately checked by four fold policy consisting of Saam ( conciliation) Daam( bribery), Danda ( punishment) Bheda (sowing dissensions) . the success of foreign policy is in as much as the friendly circle does not come under the sway of the enemy.

Neighboring states are sources of treaties and hostilities.

Treaties and wars are common amongst Neighboring states but a ruler must know the right time to declare war or to execute treaty.

A Politician or ruler should follow the rules of political science.

The science of polity includes policies of punishment, finance and warfare. An
Administrator or a state must possess thorough knowledge of the same. Otherwise the officers behave arbitrarily which causes difficult problems. So the ruler should
follow political principles and work for self-protection and welfare of the people.

A ruler with contiguous territory is rival.

Rivalry is natural between two adjoining territories. Mutual disputes and dissension or estrangement develop amongst contiguous states.A ruler and his ministers should be cautions enough to keep away from them.

Rivals (of a ruler) become friend (of each other).

When a country has more than one rival, the friendship develops (among those rivals) to fulfill their selfish ends.


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